Rapporto Annuale del Centro Astalli

Nell’ambito di una collaborazione tra Shoot4Change e la Fondazione Centro Astalli, qualche mese fa ho passato un piacevole ed interessante pomeriggio con Aweis, un rifugiato somalo da qualche anno in Italia, e i suoi figli. Le foto scattate quel pomeriggio sono state pubblicate all’interno del Rapporto Annuale 2013 della Fondazione, disponibile qui. Le altre foto contenute nel Rapporto sono di Antonio Amendola, Guillermo Luna e Andrea Ranalli.

Fotografia d’interni Roma – NEAR Architecture

NEAR Architecture architects have completed a new apartment. Here are some of the photos I’ve made of their new creation. Gli architetti di NEAR Architecture hanno recentemente completato un nuovo appartamento. Queste sono alcune delle foto della loro ultima creazione.

Fotografia d’interni Roma – NEAR Architecture

I recently had the pleasure to shot one of the latest creations by an interesting group of architects, NEAR Architecture, who also happen to be great friends of mine. Here are the results. Ho avuto recentemente il piacere di fotografare uno degli ultimi lavori di un interessante gruppo di architetti, NEAR Architecture, che sono anche ottimi amici. Questi sono i risultati.

Copenhagen in 16-9

A small family trip to Copenhagen gave me the opportunity to take some shots of this nice and cosy city. The decision to use a 16-9 aspect ratio came later, but it was quite natural.

Vantage Point on Landscape Stories

A selection of my “Vantage point” project is published on the Landscape Stories blog. The photos were taken during a very interesting workshop with Massimo Siragusa.

Wedding in Tuscany – Janelle & Bryan

The Castello di Oliveto is a perfect place for a young and romantic couple to get married. I have to admit that it’s also a great place for taking beautiful shots, and drinking very good wine… Jay Photographers based in Rome, Venice & UK © Copyright 2012 Jay Studio All Rights Reserved Ph. Paolo Fusco Wedding powered by Efffetti

Wedding in Tuscany – Caitlin & Jeff

My first “official” collaboration with Jaystudio was at  a funny wedding of a very nice couple from Down Under, with a bunch of happy friends in Volterra, Tuscany. Here’s a selection of shots from that day. Jay Photographers based in Rome, Venice & UK © Copyright 2012 Jay Studio All Rights Reserved Ph. Paolo Fusco Wedding powered by Efffetti